Getting Started

Getting started is easy and can be executed quickly with minimal effort. Here are the basic sequences of events.

I. Formalize the Contract - We will supply the draft of the contract for client's review. This draft is tailored to each client which details all the agreed terms and conditions including a built in non-disclosure agreement.
II. Data file extract - We will supply our clients a list of data file elements to be forwarded to their IT group for extract. The extract process is elementary to IT and should require no more than 3 days and 1 IT person to extract the information.
III. AP Contact Designation - We recommend our clients to assign a contact person (usually the AP manager) to communicate with and provide update to our progress. Some of our clients assign an AP person to process the recoveries and a senior level individual for update and reporting.
IV. Supply Auditor's Information Access - We will then coordinate our request to supply our auditor/s the internal information access (i.e. vendor file access, email address, phone extension, etc.) with the contact person.
V. Schedule the AP Audit Start Date - We will then coordinate with our contact person to schedule the audit start date.

That's it! Our clients then sit back and attend to more immediate task at hand while reaping the benefits of our self-contained audit and recovery efforts.

Financial Recoveries, Inc. Profit Recovery and Consulting